Displays the description of the event that occurred on this switch.
Start monitoring func
Indicates that the port monitoring function was enabled.
Stop monitoring func
Indicates that the port monitoring function was disabled.
SNTP first update to
yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Indicates that this switch accessed the SNTP server to
retrieve time information.
No response from SNTP
Indicates that this switch could not access the SNTP server.
Detect the storm. (DLF)
Indicates that the storm control was worked by DLF storm.
Detect the storm. (Mul
Indicates that the storm control was worked by Multicast
Detect the storm.
Indicates that the storm control was worked by Broadcast
System Cold Start
Indicates that this switch powered on.
Indicates that port link was up. This event occurs when Indi
vidual Trap is enabled and a target port is set.
Indicates that port link was down. This event occurs when
Individual Trap is enabled and a target port is set.
Copied configuration 2
to 1
Indicates that copied configuration 2 to invalid configura
tion 1.
Copied configuration 1
to 2
Indicates that copied configuration 1 to invalid configura
tion 2.
Reset configuration 1 &
2 to default
Indicates that configuration 1 and 2 were resetted to fac
tory default setting.
Copy confgiuration 2 to
1 is failed
Indicates that failed to copy configuration 2 to configuar
tion 1.
Copy configuration 1 to
2 is failed
Indicates that failed to copy configuration 1 to configuar
tion 2.
Save of configuration 1
is failed
Indicates that failed to save configuration 1.
Save of configuration 2
is failed
Indicates that failed to save configuration 2.
Set IP via ipsetup inter
face (IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Indicates that IP address was set by the specific host via IP
setup tool.
Failed to set IP via
ipsetup interface
Indicates that IP address was failed to set via IP setup tool.
Changed user name
Indicates that user name was changed.
Changed password
Indicates that password was changed.
Runtime code changes
Indicates that the firmware was changed.
Configuration file
Indicates that the configuration file was transferred from
the TFTP server.
Configuration file
Indicates that the configuration file was transferred to the
TFTP server.
Reboot: Normal
Indicates that this switch was rebooted.
Reboot: Factory Default Indicates that this switch was rebooted to return settings to
factory default.
Reboot: Factory Default
Except IP
Indicates that this switch was rebooted to return settings
except the IP address to factory default.
Start reboot timer
(xxxxx sec)
Indicates that reboot timer was started and will reboot
after xxxxx sec.
Cleared system log.
Indicates that system logs are cleared.