PAN1026A Bluetooth Module
5 USB Evaluation Kit
Design Guide Rev. 1.0
Page 18
5.4 Development of Applications
Please contact your local sales office for customized development of your individual application
6.2.1 Contact Us
Please note that the individual MAC address is stored in the EEPROM and
has to be loaded into the RAM after each start-up.
The following tools are recommended: IAR, J-Link debugger.
The BMSKTOPASM369BT(kc) Starter Kit makes it possible to quickly and easily evaluate
Toshiba’s Bluetooth® Dual Mode LSI TC35661-5xx in combination with Toshiba CortexM3 MCU
as host MCU. It is made to execute the Toshiba Bluetooth Driver software and debug user
application code via an embedded J-Link debugger interface. The TMPM369FDFG
Microcontroller offers embedded Ethernet, CAN, USB host, USB device and RS-232
Starter Kit Content:
Toshiba TOPAS369BT Board
Segger J-Link JTAG/SWD Emulator with USB interface
J-Link 19-pin Cortex-M Adapter
USB Cable
Rapid Start-Up Guide