2. Web Browser-based Control
The Web browser-based control function (hereinafter called the Web control func
tion) allows you to configure and monitor this Switching Hub over the network via
the user interface of your Web browser. You can also control this Switching Hub
from a remote location as if it is at your fingertips because the LED statuses can be
System Requirements
You need to configure the network settings before using the Web control function
of this Switching Hub.
1. Configuring the System IP Address
Using the console, configure the IP address of this Switching Hub.
Select "Basic Switch Configuration..." > "System IP Configuration" > "Set IP
Address" to configure the IP address. Then, select "Set Subnet Mask" to config
ure the subnet mask. If required, select "Set Default Gateway" to configure the
default gateway address.
2. Enabling the Web Control Function
Enable the Web control function of this Switching Hub.
From the main menu, select "Basic Switch Configuration..." > "System Security
Configuration" > "Web Server Status" and the command prompt changes to
"Enable or Disable web server(E/D)." Enter "e" to enable the Web control func
tion. "Disable" is the factory default setting.
The terminal must be connected over a network or directly to this Switching Hub.
The terminal to access the Switching Hub must have a web browser (Microsoft
Internet Explorer 11 (recommend)) and Java RE (Ver. 1.4 or above) installed. Fur
ther, the terminal must be connected to the Switching Hub directly or via net-
The active window may not be correctly displayed if you use a proxy. Direct
access without a proxy is recommended.