Daily Mailbox Use:
The daily use features covered in this section are:
New message notification
Message retrieval
Delivering messages
Remote message retrieval
New Message Notification:
New messages are identified by the message light at the top
of your phone being lit solid red.
Retrieving Messages – From Your Own Extension:
(NOTE: Deleted messages are stored for 24 hours after
being deleted)
Press the “Message” key
Enter your password followed by # (pound key)
Press 1 to listen to NEW messages
Press 2 to deliver messages
Press 3 to listen to OLD messages (Saved messages)
Press 9, then 1, to listen to deleted messages
(NOTE: Deleted messages are stored for 24 hours after
being deleted)
Retrieving Messages – From Another Extension:
1. Press the “Message” key at any extension on the system.
2. When prompted to enter a password, dial #6 (pound
. . key,six)
3. When prompted for a mailbox number, dial * (star key)
followed by your personal mailbox number.
4. Enter your password followed by # (pound key)
5. Remaining steps are exactly the same as if you were at
. your own extension,
Delivering Messages: