center box. This is a great way to quickly figure out the exposure range for
different areas in a scene.
Press twice to toggle Zebra 1 (default is 80 IRE; I recommend 70)
Press again to toggle Zebra 2 (default is 100 IRE; I recommend 105)
TIP: When setting exposure, use both Zebra buttons to get a more precise
sense of the exposure range in the scene. For example, if you are shooting
a Caucasian face, you should be aiming for around 70 IRE in the skin
tones/ face. Turn on Zebra 1 to make sure skin tone is well exposed – none
of the facial highlights should be triggering the 70 IRE zebra. Then turn on
Zebra 2 to check the highlights – you should now see zebras on the face’s
hotspots (tip of the nose, forehead, etc).
OIS (Optical Image Stabilizer)
Turn on to minimize wobbly handheld shooting
Turn OFF for tripod pans to avoid jerky motion (camera will try to fight the
pan and “stabilize” the movement in the image, resulting in jittery image)
Diopter Ring – adjustable ring around viewfinder, can adjust for individual vision
for shooting without glasses