TCG – time code generator: use REC RUN for normal shooting, FREE RUN to sync
footage from multi-camera shoots (keeps continuous track of absolute time
elapsed, regardless of whether or not cameras are recording)
TC Preset – set TC for next recorded clip
UB Mode – leave on frame rate
UB Preset - ignore
Camera Setup – you can pretty much ignore this if you are not shooting SD
SW(itch) MODE – controls functionality of Gain, WB, Iris dial, and User buttons.
User buttons allow you to custom map functions that you like to access frequently
onto the buttons on the camera side. The most useful User button option that you
may want to consider is the “shot mark” function, which allows you to “mark” a
good take – this can be very useful for remembering which takes are good during
a long shoot.
AUTO SW(itch) – controls which functions of camera become automatic if you put
camera in “auto” mode using front switch
AV In / Out – mostly useful for using camera to dub to another format
Display Setup – customizes various displays. Here are a few useful items:
Zebras – customizes IRE thresholds for zebra 1 and 2; recommended values
are 70 IRE and 105 IRE
Safety zone – can be switched to show 4:3 if you want to optimize
composition for 4:3 display
Zoom / focus – changes how focus and zoom level is displayed – do you want
to see percentage or actual distance in feet (latter is probably more useful
unless you are using lens adapter)?
LCD / EVF Set – to calibrate displays using color bars – good to do this each
time you shoot to make sure you are getting an accurate display of the scene.
EVF Color – make viewfinder BW for easier focusing
Card Functions – read from / write to / format SD card
Other Functions – remote, rec lamp, beep, etc