The Commander II is a grounded grid class AB2 linear power amplifier that operates
on the Amateur 2 meter band (144 to 148 MHz).
A single CPI/Eimac 3CPX800A7 pulse-rated external anode triode with forced air
cooling and modern stripline circuitry ensures efficient and conservative operation.
The 6:1 ratio vernier reduction drives on all tuning controls allow smooth and easy
tune up, while the front panel input tuning control allows a higher input circuit "Q" for
excellent linearity and to present a low input VSWR to the exciter all across the entire 2
meter band.
An automatic delay circuit, for proper cathode conditioning before RF drive can be
applied, extends tube life. A 200 ohm resistor in the plate supply negative lead protects
the tube in the event of an arc.
The Commander II features a full compliment of control and metering functions for
easy on-air operation.
A dual primary power transformer allows 117VAC, 200VAC or 234VAC operation.