C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c .
© 2006-2007
PalmMicro Communications, Inc.
Room 0611, Bldg.B Tsinghua Tongfang Technology Plaza, 1 Wangzhuang Road, Beijing, CHINA
..\..\bin\convert -w -f us\settings_iax2.htm settings_iax2_us.htm
..\..\bin\convert -w -f cn\settings_iax2.htm settings_iax2_cn.htm
..\..\bin\convert -i -f us\settings_iax2.htm ..\..\include\web_info_iax2.h
If not, mkweb.bat should be modified.
Input format:
mkwebball [language] (Enter)
For all converting operation of WEB page. After modifying WEB page files, run
mkweball.bat, converting all .htm files to html files accepted by AR 1688 and saving them
in a temporary directory. Overwrite the old files with new files in the temporary directory.
Modify Language
Standard WEB pages display English, whose codes directory is:
We translate English pages into French (ab.fr). As following:
Step 1. Translate all .htm files in \res\us\ and save them in a new directory \res\fr\;
Step 2. Translate the 3 .h files in \res\us\ into your native language and save them in a
new directory \res\fr\. The files for 2
16 char LCD which does not support accented
characters, like é è ç à ê ô;
Step 3. Translate full version with accented characters into files named menu_dot.h,
str_dot.h and time_dot.h for dot-metric display;
Step 4. Modify the mkweball.bat file to deal with files in \res\fr\ directory. Contents in
IF "%1"=="cn" GOTO Do_cn
GOTO Do_us
md temp_cn
..\..\bin\convert -w -f cn\abort.htm temp_cn\abort.htm
..\..\bin\convert -w -f cn\failure.htm temp_cn\failure.htm