C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c .
© 2006-2007
PalmMicro Communications, Inc.
Room 0611, Bldg.B Tsinghua Tongfang Technology Plaza, 1 Wangzhuang Road, Beijing, CHINA
directory the followings will display:
The destination file exists. Overwrite the file?(Yes/No):
Input “y|ye|yes” and overwrite an existing destination file. Input “n|no”, exit convert
command and don’t overwrite an existing file.
getopt.bat and setopt.bat
getopt.bat batch file: Read phone configuration and digit maps, and output it in a text file
“options.txt”. Syntax:
getopt [IP address]
setopt.bat batch file: write the configure and digit maps text file options.txt to the phone,
setopt [IP address]
[IP address] is the phone IP address. getopt.bat and setopt.bat are used together, and
after running setopt.bat, options.txt will be deleted automatically. For example:
File options.txt include 2 different section of [settings] and [digitmap]. Phone configure
listed under [settings]. Digit maps listed under [digitmap].
1) Input
C:\sdcc\bin>getopt (Enter)
Read phone configure and digit maps of IP and write it to options.txt,
that includes all phone configure and digit maps information;
2) According to demands modify information in options.txt and save them;
3) Input
C:\sdcc\bin>setopt (Enter)
Write options.txt to a phone and the phone will restart.
C:\sdcc\settings>..\bin\convert -c -f settings_iax2.txt settings_iax2.dat(Enter)
Or input:
C:\sdcc\settings>..\bin\convert -c --force settings_iax2.txt settings_iax2.dat (Enter)
If settings_iax2.dat has existed, settings_iax2.dat will be overwritten after inputting
above command line.