C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c .
© 2006-2007
PalmMicro Communications, Inc.
Room 0611, Bldg.B Tsinghua Tongfang Technology Plaza, 1 Wangzhuang Road, Beijing, CHINA
4 Debug
Debug comprises checking date and debugging phone simply.
How To Enter Safe Mode
Press “*” key while the phone is powered. The phone enter safe mode and phone IP is
. LCD on the phone display ”Safe Mode”. The address is a default IP
address, configuration of which is in C:\sdcc\src\sys.c that includes other default
configuration, as followings:
const UCHAR _pDefaultMacAddress[HW_ALEN] = {0x00, 0x18, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00,
const UCHAR _pDefaultIpAddress[IP_ALEN] = {
192, 168, 1, 200
const UCHAR _pDefaultSubnetMask[IP_ALEN] = {255, 255, 255, 0};
const UCHAR _pDefaultRouterIp[IP_ALEN] = {192, 168, 1, 1};
Check Date Information
We check phone date information in Palmtool debug window. Run palmtool.exe and input
phone IP in “chip IP address” in main window of Palmtool. Click “start debug” and debug
window pops up. In this window, operation information for phone, such as keyboard
operation, state of phone updating and so on, is displayed.
Test In Safe Mode
The phone enter safe mode. Test in safe mode:
Press “#3*0” test g711.dat DSP_OP_TEST_ENCODE & DSP_OP_TEST_
Press “#6*X” combination to run voice encode test.
X = 0: start simulating self-test;
X = 1: stop simulating self-test;
X = 2
start 8K sampling digital self-test;
X = 3
stop 8K sampling digital self-test;
X = 4
start speaker mode, 8K sampling digital self-test. Stopping test is “#6*3”.
Press “#9*0” combination to restart the phone.