MicroBeam User Manual - 0202 Z
Important Basic Information
Legal Notes
1 Important Basic Information
Congratulations! With your new PALM
Beam you obtained the State-of-the-Art Technol-
ogy in microdissection and micromanipulation. The
MicroBeam is a high precision instrument,
which allows to perform microdissection in nearly
every kind of research as well as in routine exam-
ination with a high throughput.
To meet a very high safety standard and to use all
the benefits of your PALM
MicroBeam you should
read this user´s manual carefully and observe all
instructions given in this manual. Please follow
also the instructions for the single components of
your PALM
MicroBeam especially for the micro-
scope, the fluorescence attachment (option), the
video camera and the laser. P.A.L.M. Microlaser
Technologies will not be responsible for mistakes
and possible consequences caused by non-obser-
vance of the user´s manual.
Please consider also the manuals provided for your
periphery devices!
1.1 Legal Notes
P.A.L.M. Microlaser Technologies AG is not liable
for damages resulting from the fact that this user
manual was not or only partly observed.
The warranty extinguishes in case the customer
opens the laser housing or uses the device for
other than the specified purposes.
If used parts are replaced by similar parts which
are, however, not identical to those recommended
by the manufacturer in this manual, P.A.L.M.
Microlaser Technologies AG is only liable if the
product supplied has already been faulty before
the parts were replaced.
For details concerning the manufacturers war-
ranty, please refer to the contractual conditions.
1.2 Conventions for this User Manual
Special markings on the left margin point out
information you should observe by all means:
1.3 How You Can Contact Us
This sign warns you of possible most serious,
irreversible injuries to persons even going as
far as to death.
This sign signalizes possible moderate personal
damage and possible damage of the device.
This sign signalizes that information is given
demanding your special attention.
This indicates tips on correct use and offers
useful notes for getting the best use of the soft-
Business hours
9 h - 15.00 h, Mo - Fr
+49 (0) 81 58 99 71-100
+49 (0) 81 58 99 71-249
Service Address P.A.L.M. Microlaser Technolo-
gies AG
Am Neuland 9 + 12
82347 Bernried