Connecting to non-GSM phones
– Select Bluetooth in the Via field.
– Select Tap to Find in the Device box.
The discovery process begins. One or more discovery screens appear.
When the Discovery Results screen appears, select the phone with which you
wish to connect, and then tap OK.
You now have the option of creating a trusted pair with the phone. To use
Bluetooth technology with a phone, you must create a trusted pair.
To create a trusted pair with a non-GSM phone:
Create a connection with the non-GSM phone as described in the steps above.
On the Connection screen, tap Yes.
The discovery process begins. One or more discovery screens appear.
You must select Modem rather than Phone
in the Connect to field to connect with a
non-GSM phone
Tap here to select the phone with which you
with to connect
Tap Find More to discover additional phones