Section 150-231-164
Revision 04
Page 4
The HLU-231 List 6D contains two separate
power converters. The main power supply
converts -48 VDC local battery to logic power for the
HLU-231 List 6D circuits. The line power supply
converts the -48 VDC battery to a variable -130 VDC to -
210 VDC that provides simplex power feed on the two
HDSL line interfaces. The output voltage adjusts itself
as a function of the demands made on it by short loops
without doublers (low voltage) or long loops with
doublers (high voltage). The line power supply can be
turned on or off by the microprocessor and is
automatically shut down in the presence of line short
circuits or microprocessor failure.
A female 9-pin (RS-232) DB-9), is provided on
the front panel connector (see Figure 3). This
connector provides asynchronous access to the HiGain
system maintenance, provisioning and performance
monitoring firmware. The port is configured as DCE with
8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Operator interaction
with the firmware is via an ASCII terminal or a Personal
Computer with asynchronous communication software.
Striking the SPACE bar several times enables the HLU-
231 List 6D to automatically match the terminal line baud
rate, from 1200 to 9600 baud. Figure 6 through Figure
13 show the menu selections available from the terminal
for non-Doubler applications, and Figure 15 through
Figure 33 show the menu selections available from the
terminal for Doubler applications. Table 8 defines the
various terms used in the non-Doubler System Status
Screen, and Table 17 defines the same terms for the
Doubler System Status Screens.
The normally open alarm contacts available
across pins 20 & 21 (Figure 4) comprise the
HLU-231 List 6D Minor Alarm output. These alarm
contacts close for any of the alarm conditions listed
below. Since more than one alarm condition can exist at
any given time but only one message can be displayed,
the alarms are listed as follows in their order of priorities.
Only the highest priority alarm is displayed if more than
one alarm condition exists. The ALRM message
precedes every specific alarm condition display.
ALRM LOSW: Either HDSL loop loses sync.
ALRM LLOS: Loss of the HLU-231 List 6D
DS1 input signal.
Figure 3. DB-9 RS-232 I/O Pin-Outs. A standard RS-232
(DB-9, female) connector on the front panel provides access
to the menu interface feature via a dumb terminal.
Figure 4. HLU-231, Card-Edge Connectors. The active
pins are highlighted in black in the above illustration.