Painless Performance Products of Texas, LLC
2501 Ludelle Street
Fort Worth, TX 76105-1036
Phone: 800-423-9696
If you have any questions concerning the installation of this product or use of this
product, feel free to call the Painless Performance Product tech line at 1-800-423-
9696. Calls are answered from 7:30am to 5pm central time, Monday thru Thurs, and
7:30am to 4:30pm central time Friday, except holidays.
We have attempted to provide you with as accurate instructions as possible, and are
always concerned about corrections or improvements that can be made. If you have
found any errors or omissions, or if you simply have comments or suggestions
concerning these instructions, please call or email using the number or email address
above. We sincerely appreciate your business.
Perfect Performance Products, LLC
shall in no event be liable in contract or tort
(including negligence) for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, such
as but not limited to, loss of property damage, or any other damages, costs or
expenses which might be claimed as the result of the use or failure of the goods sold
hereby, except only the cost of repair or replacement of the Painless Product.
P/N 66501 Painless Instruction
June 2022
Version II
2011 by Perfect Performance Products, LLC