4 Theremax
Assembly begins by forming and
installing the eight wire jumpers
indicated by bold lines on the circuit
board parts placement designators
and numbered in the illustration to
the right. For each jumper, cut a
length of the bare wire supplied by
measuring it against the distance
between the circuit board holes and
adding about 1/2". Bend 1/4" of
each end down and push through
the circuit board holes. Press the
jumper fully against the board and
solder both ends. Trim off excess
wire flush with the solder joint.
( ) As outlined above, form and
install the eight wire jumpers
used on the circuit board.
Solder each resistor in place following the
parts placement designators printed on the circuit
board and the assembly drawing Fig 1. Note that
resistors are nonpolarized and may be mounted with
either lead in either of the holes in the circuit board.
Before mounting each resistor, bend its leads so
that they are at a right angle to the body of the
part. Put the leads through the holes and then
push the resistor firmly into place. Cinch the
resistor in place by bending the leads on the
solder side of the board out to an angle of about
45 degrees. Solder both ends of each resistor in
place as you install it. Clip each lead flush with
the solder joint as the joint is made.