22 Theremax
The Theremax case top is held in place with the
Velcro strips supplied. Use scissors to cut each
of the two strips into four equal sized parts as shown.
Notice that a velcro fastener has "hook" and "eye"
pieces that must be used in matching
( ) Remove the protective backing
from the four felt-like strips and
adhere them to the tops of the
case end panels as shown in fig 5.
( ) Similarly, adhere the "hook" pieces to
the underside of the case top as shown.
Note the spacing required to make these strips
align with the corresponding strips on the case.
pressed” so that all the change in Volume happens over only a
few inches of hand motion, try turning L3’s slug just slightly CCW,
about 1/16 turn. This will produce a slightly lower overall output,
which should be compensated by turning up the amplifier’s gain
control. If you want still more hand motion range, turn the slug out
a little more and adjust the amplifier gain accordingly. You will
know you have carried things too far when you still hear a tone
with your hand on the antenna, but you should find a satisfactory
range of control well before that.
With a tone audible, rotate the Timbre control Clockwise and
observe that the tone gets considerably more “reed like” as you
fade from sine wave to square wave output. Return the Timbre
control to it’s fully CCW position. Advance the Velocity control
fully Clockwise and observe that as your hand is rapidly removed
from the Volume antenna the Gate/Trig LED comes on. Also
notice that the character of the sound now changes as your hand
is withdrawn, getting “fuller” when your hand is moved rapidly and
settling to a purer tone when you slow down or stop.
This completes tuning and testing of your Theremax. If any of the
setups didn't produce the described result, refer to the Trouble
Shooting section on page 5 of the Illustrations Supplement. There
is also useful information in the Design Analysis section of this