Theremax 19
( ) Mount the Pitch and Volume antennae
using #10 X 1" OD Flat Washers and
#8 Wing Nuts as shown in the illustration.
Note that the Vertical Pitch Antenna mounts
on the right and the loop-shaped Volume
antenna on the left. Each antenna mounts
by slipping the end without the mounting
loop through the hole in the end panel
from the inside of the case
The larger curves of the antennae will fit
easily through the holes. Place the mounting
loop over the 8-32 nut permanently installed
on the Machine Screw and tighten in place
with the Wing Nut and Flat Washer.
( ) Install the knobs. Tighten the set screw
slightly and rotate the knob back and
forth to see how well it’s range of rotation
is balanced with the panel graphic. Reorient
if not satisfied and fully tighten the set screw
when done (not too tight.)
Before plugging the unit in and testing it, take a break
then come back and admire your work, it ought to look
pretty cool right about now. It wouldn't hurt to check it out
one more time, too. The next step is a biggie.
After rechecking your work, it’s time for the all important smoke test.
If anything unfortunate is going to happen, this is the most likely time.
Plug the wall-mount transformer into a 120VAC outlet and toggle the
POWER Switch to “ON.” The LED to the right of the switch should
light and if it doesn’t, you should immediately unplug the unit from
the wall and find out why. The problem could be nothing more than a
dead wall outlet. Improperly placed components or solder bridges on the
circuit board may be the cause. Check the orientation of the Transistors,
Diodes, Integrated Circuits and Electrolytic Capacitors.
When the LED lights, let the unit idle for a few minutes while you check for
parts that may be getting hot or any unusual smell, smoke, etc.