Auto-Chl 12 & 25
Check before startup...
1. That the chlorinator is connected via the pump’s connections so that production only takes place when the pump starts up.
2. That the chlorinator is positioned such that water cannot drip or run onto the electrical components.
3. Leakages are immediately rectified.
4. That the heat exchanger/electrical heater is connected such that it can only be activated when the pool pump is operating.
A heat exchanger driven by water with a temperature of 80ºC can overheat and damage the cell housing if there is any
unintended natural circulation in the system.
: Has the salt in the pool dissolved fully? (This may take up to one day.)
6. Measure salt content in the pool. It should be between 0.4-0.8%. If the salt content is below 0.4% the unit will issue an alert.
7. Calibrate the chlorinator, see above.
Water temperature:
Measure the water temperature in the pool. Low temperature = less need of chlorine.
NB! The chlorinator should not be operated at all if water temperature is lower than 12ºC.
9. Measure also pH and alkalinity. These are vital parameters for good water quality.
10. Be prepared with a suitable test kit to be able to measure chlorine content. There are several variants and makes on the
market. (Take a sample in advance as a reference for function control.)
1. Start the pump.
2. Start the chlorinator.
3. Set chlorine production to 100 % if the pool water is sufficiently warm. The pool water’s temperature should be higher than
17ºC for 100 % production. If the pool water’s temperature is lower than 17ºC: start at 10 % and raise as necessary.
Bear in mind that the chlorine content can rise quickly since the pool’s own consumption drops with lower water temperature.
Never operate the chlorinator at full output if water temperature is low (see above) since this will reduce the life
expectancy of the cell.
4. Regularly check chlorine content, at the start of the season twice a day during the first few days. Even if the chlorinator is
operating at max output it may take time before it is possible to measure the pool’s chlorine content, particularly in fresh
water that has not been shock-treated with chlorine. However, the chlorine content may rise quickly after a few days and high
chlorine content increases the risk of corrosion.
If you want to immediately check whether the chlorinator is producing chlorine, take a water sample directly from one of the
pool’s injection nozzles.
Regulate your pool so that the rating for free chlorine is between 0.5-1 ppm for indoor pools and 0.7-1.5 ppm for outdoor pools.
The exact percentage at which chlorine production must be set to achieve this may vary significantly from one pool to another.
Here are a few authentic examples for Auto-Chl12 with a 4x8 m pool:
Types and variables
Indoor pool and 23ºC
40 %
Indoor pool and 35ºC
50-100 %
Outdoor pool 23ºC, covered
40 %
Outdoor pool 30ºC, not covered, a lot of sunshine
100 %
An indoor pool uses less chlorine than an outdoor pool. Here chlorine content can easily rise to high levels if it is not closely
High chlorine content together with salt in the water makes for aggressive water that can damage metal, including stainless
steel, especially if the pH value is outside the recommended limits.
If there are any problems with stabilizing the required chlorine levels, an external Redox/chlorine control unit should
be connected.
If the water temperature is below 17ºC the salt chlorinator should be run at max 50 %. The chlorine content will also rise quickly
since the pool’s own consumption rate drops when the water temperature is low.
During back-flushing/draining of the pool, production should be set at zero or switched off.
Illuminate the cell and check that no coating has formed on the electrodes.
Put your hand on the salt chlorinator and check that it does not feel hot.
Check the salt content of the pool water (read off the display).
Note any alerts and warnings. Enter them in the pool’s log book.
Spring and summer:
Check the salt content – calibrate the salt chlorinator’s measured values.
In a normal private swimming pool, the water’s salt content should be measured and checked at least
twice a year using a separate salt gauge or test strip.
Check the salt content at the same time as routine inspections are carried out on chlorine, pH and other water parameters.
For this purpose there are both simple test strips that show salt content in ppm (1000 ppm= 0.1 %) and digital measuring
equipment. Salt is consumed only in the event of back-flushing, leakage or water change. Note that when there has been a
long period of heavy rain, the salt content of outdoor pools will drop. In seawater pools, no salt needs to be added.
A higher salt content gives longer electrode life expectancy, but also increases the risk of
corrosion of the pool’s metal parts, especially if the chlorine content is high.