Maximum Transmit Time.
This setting alters the maximum time the
transmitter can be keyed. Key in a value between 30 and 300 (seconds), or if
no limit is required, enter 0. If a limit has been set, and warning beeps are set,
a warning is heard 10 seconds before the radio stops transmitting.
Display Blanking. Display blanking is described on page 32. If you require
this facility use the mouse to ensure the box is checked. If you do not wish to
use this facility, use the mouse to ensure the box is empty.
Display Blanking Time. Enter a number between 60 and 300 (seconds). This
is the time used when the display blanking facility is selected to be active.
Display blanking is described on page 36.
Warning Beeps. Warning beeps, as described on page 36, can be set to on
or off. To set them to on use the mouse to ensure the box is checked. To
switch them off, ensure the box is empty.
Warning Beep Volume.
The volume of warning beeps (if used) is
represented by a figure between 1 and 7. Enter the required value in the box.
Hold in Scan Mode. This facility, which is only applicable to scan mode, is
explained on page 37. When this box is checked, hold in scan mode is
selected; if not checked, pause in scan mode is selected.
(10) Busy On Time. This is the time a radio must be busy, when scan mode is
selected, before the radio holds, or is paused. Enter a value between 0.1 and
5 seconds.
(11) Key Beeps. When key beeps are enabled, a single beep is heard whenever
a button is pressed on the radio's front panel. The volume of the beep is the
same as the Warning beep. To enable this facility, check the box; to disable
it, ensure the box is empty.
(12) Base. This check box must always be left empty (unchecked). If it displays a
tick (checked), the radio will not operate correctly.
(13) COM1 or COM2 Selection. Either Com port 1, or Com port 2, can be selected
from the drop-down menu. This selection determines which Com port on the
laptop, or PC, the radio must be connected to when transferring the
personality to the radio.
(14) Offset Channels. The offset channels box should always be checked. This is
one of the radio's internal characteristics. It does not refer to offset frequency
channels as defined by ICAO.
(15) Personality Description. A unique name for the personality can be entered
here (maximum of 46 characters).
(16) When all fields on the General page are correctly configured, use the mouse
and click on the Frequencies tab. Check that the Frequencies page is shown
(see next page).
T6M User Guide
Page 39