Serviceability Check
When the radio, its accessories, and antenna are installed, carry out a serviceability
check as follows:
Connect a directional power, or VSWR, meter in series with the antenna
feed. A Peak Envelope Power (PEP) meter should be used.
Start the vehicle and switch on the radio. Check that the radio's front panel
indicators light, and that the startup warble is heard.
Allow the vehicle to idle for one minute to ensure that the battery voltage is at
the correct level for testing.
Select a suitable channel that can be used for test purposes and press the
PTT to cause the radio to transmit. Measure the PEP and VSWR.
PEP should be between 7 and 30 Watts, dependent on modulation, and
VSWR less than 1.5:1.
Carry out a functional check by setting up a voice call. Check that the
received noise is acceptable. If not it will be necessary to carry out
suppression of the vehicle electrical system.
It is important to check that the radio does not affect the operation of any vehicle
systems such as lights, electronic ignition, engine management system and anti-lock
brakes. Other electronic devices fitted to the vehicle, such as radio/cassette player or
cellular telephone, should also be checked. Check that these systems still operate
correctly when the radio is transmitting.
T6M User Guide
Page 21