DC900X INSTALLER’S MANUAL (501-3434310) RELEASE 30th Oct. 2009
This screen lists the client set-tops that are attached to MoCA dongles. The *MAC addresses listed are the
ones given as eSTB MAC addresses on the base of the clients, plus 6 (in Hex).
The client numbers** given in the NAME column will not necessarily match the ones you may have already
assigned to the clients, but by checking the eSTB MAC addresses on the clients, you can match them up.
Below the clients table is a list of the MoCA devices (nodes) in the network, including the NAS (DC900X) and
the two MoCA dongles***, listed as D-LINK and identified by their MoCA MAC addresses.
Four nodes are listed, even though only three (the NAS plus two MoCA dongles) are recommended in the
MoCA-Ethernet network, due to bandwidth availability. (Four allow for possible future network expansion.)
To see the Pace Network Node Status for a node, use the
button to highlight the node you are
interested in, then press
The Bit Rate figures show the quality of the connection between the NAS and the current node. They should all
be green and greater than 200 Mbit/s (greater than 200000000). If they are in the range 150-200 Mbit/s they
will be shown in yellow and could mean that the picture on the TV will show macro-blocking or there will be
other undesirable effects, such as break-up during playback.
If the figures are yellow it could be due to:
• old or damage coaxial cables (check the cabling);
• loose or damaged F-type connectors (use crimped connectors, rather than screw-on type);
• coax splitters that are not rated up to 1.5 GHz (make sure that they are).
Try to improve the bit-rates to over 200 Mbit/s by carrying out the suggestions listed above.
To see the Node Status screen for the next node in the list, use the
button to highlight
Next Node
then press
To see the Node Status screen for the preceding node in the list, use the
button to highlight
, then press
*The client set-tops are assigned
several MAC addresses during
manufacture, but not all of these
numbers are printed on their base
labels. The MAC address visible
to the NAS via the MoCA dongle
is equal to the eSTB MAC address
on the printed label, plus 6 in Hex.
(MAC addresses are always printed
in hexadecimal notation.)
**The numbers for the client set-
tops (1, 2 and 3), as seen on the
Diagnostics screens, are assigned
by the network when it is up and
running. They may not correspond
to the numbers in the connection
diagram (see page 10). You can
use the eSTB MAC addresses on
the base of the clients to cross-
reference the actual clients with the
on-screen client names/numbers.
In future, it will be possible to
use the Pace User Settings menu
give suitable names (“Bedroom”,
“Family room” etc) to the clients.
***The diagnostics details are
obtained from the NAS and not
directly from the MoCA dongles
(i.e. it is the NAS’s view of the
network, not a dongle’s view). In
over 99% of cases, the two views
will be identical, but there could
be a scenario where the details
collected by the NAS are out-of