To ensure the highest level of performance, use only PACE replacement filters in your PACE
Fume Extraction System.
BE SURE the new filter cartridge is installed with the airflow arrow pointing downward.
Filter Cartridge Notes
PACE Fume Extraction Systems are equipped with filters designed to capture particles and noxious gases
and odors that are present in the air being filtered. The Fume Extraction Systems are equipped with
combinations of pre-filters for coarse particle removal, HEPA filters for fine particle removal and gas filter
media to remove gaseous compounds. Over time, the HEPA filter will gradually become clogged,
impeding air flow through the system and the capacity of the gas filter will be reached, reducing its
ability to neutralize and adsorb noxious gases and odors.
Filter Cartridges
must be replaced at regular intervals to ensure that the fume extraction system is
operating effectively. These intervals will vary depending on the type of work being performed, the level
of use, and the amount and composition of airborne contaminants produced.
The exhaust air stream from the central filtration unit as well as the ambient air in the workplace should
be monitored with appropriate and adequate measuring/detection devices to assure compliance with
all applicable Health & Safety regulations.
Flammable vapors and gases (i.e. Isopropyl Alcohol) are removed by and accumulate in the gas portion
of the Filter Cartridge presenting a potential fire hazard. Therefore, the user must exercise appropriate
precautions when extracting such fumes or when handling and disposing of the filters containing such
flammable substances. Follow
all fire safety and personnel protection guidelines contained in the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the substance(s) producing the extracted vapors and gases
When disposing of used filters, extreme care must be taken to comply with
all applicable environmental
regulations. Carefully consult the MSDS supplied with the material(s) producing the fume. If in doubt,
check with your local Environmental Authority.
Extreme care must be exercised when disposing of a used Filter Cartridge containing potentially
hazardous substances. When disposing of filters, appropriate and adequate personal protective
equipment (i.e. gloves, respirators, plastic containment bags, etc.) must be used when hazardous
substances such as asbestos, lead, radioactive or biohazard materials may be present. Consult the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the materials generating the extracted fume.
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