Your Mojo PWR will launch with either the forward or reverse launch techniques.
When taking off under power, make sure there is enough clear space upwind of you to launch and climb
out safely, avoiding trees, power lines and any other obstacles that may affect you should you have a
power failure. Always fly with a safety margin so that power failures do not leave you compromised. You
should always be able to glide power off to a suitable landing place.
Whilst inflating your wing, you should hold both of the A risers on each side. Once clipped in, and you
have gone through the take-off check list (above), stand central to the wing to ensure an even and
progressive inflation. Run in an upright position so that the motor is generating forward thrust, do not
lean too far forward otherwise the power of the motor will attempt to push you into the ground! When
you have enough airspeed a gentle application of brake will help you lift off. Do not stop running until
your feet have left the ground and you are sure of a safe climb out.
For faster inflation, especially in nil wind conditions you may release the trimmers by a few cms.
Forward Launch - Nil to Light winds
When the wind is favourable, move forward positively: your lines should become tight within one or two
steps. The wing will immediately start to inflate. You should maintain a constant pressure on the risers
until the wing is overhead.
Do not pull down or push the risers forward excessively, or the leading edge will deform and possibly
collapse making taking-off more difficult and potentially dangerous.
Move smoothly throughout the entire launch, there is no need to rush or snatch at it. You should have
plenty of time to look up and check your canopy before committing yourself. Once you are happy that
the Mojo PWR is inflated correctly, progressively apply full power and accelerate smoothly for the
Reverse Launch -Light to Strong Winds
Lay out your Mojo PWR as you would for the forward launch. However, this time face the wing, and
attach the risers in the correct manor (half a turn in each riser, and crossed in the direction you want to
turn). Now you can pull up the Mojo PWR by its A-risers. Once the wing is overhead, brake it gently, turn
and launch.
In stronger winds, be prepared to take a few steps towards the glider as it inflates. This will take some
of the energy out of the glider and it will be less likely to over-fly you. Once stable and above your head
apply progressive power and accelerate smoothly for a controlled take off.
Practice ground handling and launching as much as possible! It is great fun, and will give you a much
better feel for your Mojo PWR’s flight characteristics. It will also improve your overall enjoyment of flying
by making your launches easier and safer.
The Climb Out
Once in the air you should continue flying into wind whilst gaining height. By setting the trimmers to the
standard (certified) position you will achieve the best climb rate. Do not attempt to climb too steeply or
too quickly by using the brakes. The wing already has a high angle of attitude, coupled with a higher
AoA (if you use the brakes) plus the engine’s full thrust acting on the pilot, this could contribute to make
the glider more prone to stall. Furthermore, in the event of an engine failure the resulting backward
pendulum motion of the pilot and the forward dive of the wing may bring you back to the ground very
hard. Do not initiate turns until you have sufficient height and airspeed. Avoid low turns downwind with
insufficient airspeed.
The Mojo PWR is well damped in roll but under certain circumstances it is possible for the pilot to induce
oscillations. This is caused by a combination of the engine/propeller torque and pilot weightshift and/or
brake inputs. To stop oscillations it is best to reduce the power slightly and ensure that you remain static
with weightshift and brake inputs. Once settled you can once again apply full power.
Under full power the torque effect will attempt to gently turn the wing, using weightshift or adjusting the
trims asymmetrically is the best method to correct this.
Never take off with
a glider that is not
fully inflated or if you
are not in control of
the pitch/roll of your
Using the trims
asymmetrically will
invalidate certification
Summary of Contents for MOJO PWR
Page 1: ...Pilots Manual...
Page 2: ......
Page 19: ...1258 Route de Grasse Le Bar sur Loup 06620 France...