Internet radio
© OXX Digital 2009
Internet radio
© OXX Digital 2009
set uP MeDia sHaRing in
MaC os
Using your radio with a MAC will require Windows
File Sharing . MAC OS 9 and earlier versions of the
OS will need extra software to use Windows File
Sharing, but MAC OS X 10 .2 and later versions
have Windows File Sharing built into the OS .
set up Windows file sharing on a MaC
- From the ’Dock’, click on ’System Preferen-
ces’ . From the ’System Preferences’ window,
under the ’Internet & Network’ section, click
on ’Sharing’ .
- From the ’Sharing’ window, do the following:
- Under the ’Services’ section, enable
’Personal File Sharing’ and ’Windows Sha-
ring’ . In order to do this, tick the corre-
sponding boxes or click on ’Start’ for each of
these services .
- Under the ’Firewall’ section, switch off the
firewall .
- Under the ’Internet’ section, switch off
’Internet Sharing’ .
accounts setup
- From the ’System Preferences’ window, in the
’System’ section, click on ’Accounts’ . Select
an account and remember its ’Short Name’
and password . This will be used for the Radio
to connect to the MAC .
Directory setup
- From the ’Dock’, click on ’Finder’ . From
’Finder’, click on ’Applications then ‘Utilities’ .
Click on ’More Info’ for ’Directory Access’ and
ensure that the ’Read/Write’ option is enab-
led . Double-click on ’Directory Access’ and
enable the following:
- AppleTalk
- LDAPv3
- For ’SMB/CIFS’, click on ’Configure’ and select
an appropriate workgroup .
- Copy and paste the mp3 files to ’Documents’
in the ’Finder’ window .
- Turn on ’AirPort’ (wireless sharing) .
- Wait for a few minutes .
In the ’Media Player’ > ‘Windows Shares’ menu,
enter the MAC account’s short name and pass-
word . The Radio should then be able to connect
to the MAC .