Internet radio
© OXX Digital 2009
Internet radio
© OXX Digital 2009
For each selected folder you are planning to share, you will see a properties window as showed below .
Here you have the option of specifying share name and allowing other users to change the files etc .
Are you running the XP Pro version of Windows, the screen will show more “enable/disable” security
options, such as number of users allowed to access the folder, allow read/write only etc . For the major
part just keep these options default if you are not an experienced user .
When you have selected “Share this folder on the network” and specified a share name, you can go
ahead and click OK . Now the folder is shared and will change the folder icon into
By default, users on other computers have full access to shared folders: This means they can read,
write, and delete shared files . If you want them to be able only to read files, you should un-check the
box Allow network users to change my files .
to access the share function on your internet radio you should enter the following menus:
<Main menu>
<Music Player>
<Shared files>
vista simple file sharing
Please find the necessary information by following the below link:
http://technet .microsoft .com/en-us/library/bb727037 .aspx