User Manual -
Mistral 24
V1.2 05/2015
9. Down/Beat Rev
DOWN functions to modify a scene in Edit mode; BEAT REV
is used to reverse the chasing direction of a program with
regular beat.
10. Mode Select/Rec Speed
Each tap will activate the operating mode in the order: CHNS /
SCENES, Double Preset and Single Preset. Rec Speed: Set the
speed of any of the programs chasing in Mix mode.
11. Up/Chase Rev
Up is used to modify a scene in Edit mode.
Chase Rev is to reverse the chasing direction of a scene un-
der Speed Slider control.
12. Page Button
Tap to select pages of scenes from Page 1-4.
13. Delete/ Rev One
Delete any step of a scene or reverse the chasing direction
of any program.
14. Segment Display
Shows the current activity or programming state.
15. Insert / % or 0-255
Insert is to add one step or steps into a scene.
% or 0-255 is used to change display value cycle between
% and 0-255.
16. Edit / All Rev
Edit is used to activate Edit mode.
All Rev is to reverse the chasing direction of all programs.
17. Add or Kill/ Rec Exit
In Add mode, multiple scenes or Flash buttons will be on at
a time.
In Kill mode, pressing any Flash button will kill any other sce-
nes or programs.
Rec Exit is used to exit from Program or Edit mode.
18. Record/ Shift
Record is used to activate Record mode or program a step.
Shift functions only used with other buttons.
19. Master A Button
Brings channel 1-12 to full of current setting.
20. Park Button
Used to select Single/Mix Chase, bring Channel 13-24 to full
of current setting, or momentarily program a scene into Mas-
ter B slider, depending on the current mode.
21. Hold Button
This button is used to maintain current scene.
22. Step Button
This button is used to go to next step when the Speed Slider
is pushed to the bottom or in Edit mode.
23. Audio Button
Activates audio sync of chase and audio intensity effects.
24. Master Slider A
This slider controls overall output of all channels.
25. Master Slider B
This slider controls the chase of all programs.
26. Blind Button
This function takes the channel out of the chase of a program
in CHNS /SCENE mode.
27. Home Button
This button is used to deactivate the Blind.