This will allow the user to edit the sequence of the saved program. You
can change the position of your program from 1st to 2nd or 3rd or vise
This program allows you to edit your saved favorite program. Also you
can change the sequence of saved programs.
Edit Program
This program allows you to edit the mode, aspiration speed, dispensing
speed and volume. Also you can delete the program from this function.
Steps :
1. Select Favorites.
2. Select Edit.
3. Select Edit Prog.
4. Select any of the following options
Mode : This will allow you to change the mode.
Volume : This will allow you the change the volume.
Speed : This will allow you to change the aspiration
and dispensing speed.
Save & Exit : Come out of the mode after saving the
Do not save : It will not change anything.
Delete Prog : This will delete the existing program.
1. Select Favorites.
2. Select Edit.
3. Select Edit Seq.
4. Select program position which you want to swap.
5. Press OK button.
6. Select the position with which you want to swap your
program by using up / down arrow key.
7. Press OK button.
You will be directed to the favorite mode where you can see the
This will allow you to aspirate and dispense the selected volume.
1. Select Pipetting from the applications.
2. Select volume by pressing up / down arrow key.
3. Press OK to finalize the volume.
4. Press trigger key to aspirate the volume.
5. Press trigger key to dispense the volume.
6. Press trigger key to repeat the process or Press ESC key to
come out from the mode.
6.1.1 Edit
Edit Sequence
Steps :
6.2 Pipetting
Steps :