6.8.1 3 Point Calibration
Steps :
1. Select Calibration from the applications.
2. Select Enter Password from the sub menu by default, press
“0000” if you have not set your own password.
3. Select 3 Point Cal. from the sub menu.
4. Select Expected Volume 1. By default, 10% of the nominal
volume will be on the display, you can change this volume
according to your requirement by using up / down arrow key.
5. Enter Delivered Volume 1.
6. Select Expected Volume 2. By default middle volume will be
on the display, you can change this volume according to
your requirement by using up / down arrow key.
7. Enter Delivered Volume 2.
8. Select Expected Volume 3. By default nominal volume will be on
the display, you can change this volume according to
your requirement by using up / down arrow key.
9. Enter Delivered Volume 3.
10. Select “Yes” to save the changes. It will show Calibration
done on the display.
Select “No” to exit.
6.8.2 2 Point Calibration
Steps :
1. Select Calibration from the applications.
2. Select Enter Password from the sub menu by default, press
“0000” if you have not set your own password.
3. Select 2 Point Cal. from the sub menu.
4. Select Expected Volume1. By default, 10% of the nominal
volume will be on the display, you can change this volume
according to your requirement by using up / down arrow key.
5. Enter Delivered Volume 1.
6. Select Expected Volume 2. By default nominal volume will
be on the display, you can change this volume according to
your requirement by using up / down arrow key.
7. Enter Delivered Volume 2.
8. Select “Yes” to save the changes. It will show Calibration
done on the display.
9. Select “No” to exit.