10. Maintenance
You should check the pipette at the beginning of each day for
accumulation of dust and dirt on the outside surfaces. Attention should
be paid to the tip cone. No other solvent except Iso-propanol should
be used to clean the pipette. If the pipette is used daily, it should be
inspected every three months.
The servicing procedure starts with the disassembly of the pipette. Please
refer to the spare parts lists for better understanding of the components.
After disassembling pipette as per mentioned procedure follow below
routine maintenance steps :
Pull out the piston and other parts and follow general maintenance.
Remember to keep all parts in order for reassembly.
Clean piston, piston spring, Seal and O-ring with a isopropanol and line
free tissue. Allow them to dry.
Check the tip cone for foreign particles and remove, if any. Grease the
cleaned parts with the approved lubricant provided with each pipette.
Volume 0.5-10µl
Step 1
Step 2
Unscrew the Tip Ejector
as per shown direction
Unscrew the Tip Cone
Cap as per shown direction
Step 3
Pull out the Piston as
per shown direction
10.1.1 Volume-wise Dis-assembly Procedure
Shown here are dis-assembly procedure for different volumes pipettes.
10.1 Single channel pipette maintenance