To the capacitor starting and resistance starting motors,
rear end of the frame mounted with centrifugal switch. On
the rear end of the motor base there is furnished a quick-
break centrifugal switch.
When the motor is started and attains to a certain speed
the switch will give a crisp sound of “click, click” and thus
cut off the power supply to the secondary winding with the
motor in normal run
When the motor fails to start or when it does start and
attain a certain speed but accompanies with shock and
shriek instead of the crisp click
cut off the power supply
immediately and carefully inspect the centrifugal switch
and the capacitor
V. Overhaul
In order to insure reliable operation the motor, which
should be carried out at regular intervals, usually once a
Position the log splitter on solid level ground when
Plug the unit into the mains (single phase, 3 pin, 13 amp
socket) in conjunction with a PRCD and start the motor.
Using both hands lift the handle to lower the ram and
lower the handle to raise the ram.
Operate ram to lift the wedge above the height of the
log to be split.
Position the centre of the log under the wedge. Move
the wedge using the lever until contact is made with the
Keep two hands on control levers while splitting log. The
speed can be controlled by how much pressure you put
on the control valve.
Stop splitting if log starts to go sideways and reposition
per above instructions.
Should the wedge lodge or become stuck in the log,
return wedge to fully open position and gently rock log
free before continuing.