User Manual of
Color Mixed Signal Digital Storage Oscilloscope
“Volts/Div” knob control voltage scale of CH1, CH2.
For LA, “CH1 menu”, “CH2 menu”, “Wave math” keys and “CH2 Volts/Div” knob
are idle. “CH1 Vertical”, “CH2 Vertical” to adjust the M1, M2 position in Cursor menu
when cursor display is on “CH1 Volts/Div”.
Horizontal control area with 2 knob and 1 key.
For DSO, “Horizontal position” knob control trigger position, “Volts/Div” control
time base, “Horizontal menu” key refer to horizontal system setting menu.
For LA, “Horizontal menu” key is idle. “Horizontal position” knob to adjust the
position of value displayed currently quickly. “Sec/Div” knob to adjust value resolution
displayed currently.
Trigger control area with 4 keys and 1 knob.
For DSO, “Trig adjust” knob is to adjust trigger voltage. Other four keys refer to
trigger system setting.
For LA, “Force trig” key is idle. “Trig menu” refer to trigger menu control. “Trig
adjust” knob to adjust trigger position in memory, “SET 50%” is to set trigger position as
50% and “SET Zero” set trigger position as 0.