After configuring storage, users, groups, and permissions, the next step is to set up shares. There are three types of file sharing
protocols supported by Jupiter Callisto: AFP, CIFS (SMB), and NFS. AFP sharing is a good idea if all client computers are Macs®
and you would like to use the Jupiter Callsto as a Time Machine® backup; CIFS sharing is preferred if all client computers are
using Windows® operating systems or Macs running OS X 10.9 and later (previous OS X revisions use an older version of SMB
and do not perform as well), and NFS is useful if client computers are running on a mixture of different OS versions.
6.1.1 Creating an AFP Share
To create an AFP share, click on the ‘Sharing’ tab at the top of the screen, click ‘Apple (AFP), then click ‘Add Apple (AFP)
Share’ to bring up the following window (
Figure 6.1.1
Give the new share a name, then assign it a path by clicking the ‘Browse’ button and selecting the pool or the filesystem
that you would like to share. Next, add any users or groups that you wish to be able to access the share by entering their
names in the ‘Allow List’. Separate multiple entries with commas, and add any groups by adding the ‘@’ symbol at the
beginning (e.g. @groupname).
If you wish to modify the default permissions, do so at this time. If you intend to use this share as a Time Machine backup,
make sure to click the ‘Time Machine’ checkbox. Then, click ‘OK’ at the bottom to create the AFP share.
After the new AFP share is created, you will receive a message asking if you wish to activate the AFP service. Click ‘Yes’ to
enable AFP sharing. If you wish to enable or disable AFP sharing in the future, click on the ‘Services’ tab at the top of the
screen, then click on the ‘ON/OFF’ slider labeled ‘AFP’ to toggle the service.
Figure 6.1.1