e. RTSP setting
RTSP Server: enable or disable
RTSP Port: setup port for RTSP transmitting (Default: 554)
(iii) RTSP Start and End Port: in RTSP mode, you may use TCP and UDP
for connecting. TCP connection uses RTSP Port (554). UDP connection
uses RTSP Start and End Port.
f. Multicast Setting (Based on the RTSP Server)
Multicast is a bandwidth conservation technology. This function allows
several users to share the same packet sent from IP camera. To use
Multicast, appoint IP Address and port here. TTL means the life time of
packet, the larger the value is, and the more users can receive the packet.
To use Multicast, be sure to enable the function "Receive Multicast" in
your media player.
Choose your ONVIF version and settings.
h. Bonjour
This function enables MAC systems to link to this IP camera. Key in
the name here.