Model 976 7.1 Channel Preamp/Processor
This process can be quite loud, so be prepared to
adjust levels quickly. The master volume control can-
not be adjusted once you are in the OSD. To adjust
the master volume, you would need to back out of
the OSD.
Set your Model 976’s volume control to -20dB on the
front panel display. Hit MENU, hit the down arrow
) key then hit ENTER to select the Speaker Setup
Press the down arrow (
) key to select the Level Trim
submenu, then hit ENTER.
Sit down in your favorite listening seat. Turn on the
SPL meter (or activate the SPL meter app on your
phone). Set the range (if necessary) to 70 dB. Set the
weighting to C-Weighted Slow.
Use the right arrow key (
) to activate the test tone.
While you can make adjustments without activat-
ing the test signal, in almost all cases you’ll get best
results by using the test signal. When you activate the
test signal, the highlighted box will move down to
Front Left, and you should hear the test noise coming
from the front left speaker.
Use the left and right arrow keys (
) to set the
level so that the SPL meter reads 75 dB. (You can
use 85 dB if it’s convenient—but 75 dB is the stan-
dard in home theater calibration.)
Use the down arrow key to move the test noise to
Center, and use the left and right arrow keys to set
the level so it matches the level of the front left
Repeat the process for all other speakers in the
system. For any speakers that were set to “None” in
the Speaker Confi g menu, adjustment of level trim
will be disabled on this screen.
If you are using a subwoofer, you may fi nd that
its level control needs to be adjusted in order
to achieve a balance with the other speakers.
Re-adjust the subwoofer level control if necessary
to the approximate level you need, then use the
Model 976’s Subwoofer setting in the Level Calibra-
tion submenu to fi ne-tune it.
LFE Trim Sub-Menu
This control reduces the level of the LFE (or “.1”)
component of a 5.1 or 7.1 soundtrack. It does not
aff ect signals from other channels. Use if you fi nd
the bass in movie soundtracks to be too loud. Sepa-
rate adjustments are available for diff erent audio
formats and processing modes. There’s no “proper”
setting, so whatever sounds good to you is correct.
The default is 0dB.
Sub Trim:
Set from -10dB to 0dB (default) to reduce
subwoofer output if the low frequency is over-
whelming the other speakers’ output. The available
choices are:
DD/DTS Trim:
This adjustment lets you alter the
level of the subwoofer output when Dolby Digital
and DTS soundtracks are playing. This does not af-
fect the subwoofer level with non Dolby Digital/DTS
material. Use if you want a little more or a little less
bass when this material is playing. Default value is
0dB. The available choices are: