GPS signals and its meaning:
You will hear a beep sound when the Watch has received a GPS signal or when the GPS signal has been lost. LOST GPS
signal will also be displayed in the screen.
Step 5) Pair your Heart Rate monitor:
The HRM belt is on standby and ready to send data to your Watch. Wear the belt directly on your skin just below your
breastplate. It should be snug enough to stay in place during your run.
Push one tab on the strap through the slot in the HRM transmitter.
Wet both electrodes with a damp cloth on the back of the HRM belt. This will help create a strong electrical connection
between your chest and the HRM transmitter.
Wrap around the chest belt around your rib cage just below the pectoral muscles and attach the other end of the strap to
the HRM transmitter. The elastic strap should be adjusted so that it is snug enough so that it will not move during use but
not so tight as to restrict breathing.
Link your HRM belt to the Watch.
Linking the HRM belt while in HRM mode: