Ounet connection of an Ouman unit controller
When you want to read the information of one M-Link-compatible device in a browser, connect the device directly to M-
Link’s C connector. This also allows you to perform a remote update on the device, if required.
Note: You must also activate the SNMP function from the de-
vice connected in the C contactor
(System settings -> Network settings -> SNMP -> Active “On”.)
RJ45 connector
The power supply
of an M-Link device
comes from a device
connected in the C
Enter the URL as the IP address
(do not enter https: // or www).
Url address can be found on the
sticker on the side of M-Link.
The default port is 502.
If you want to activate the
transfer of SNMP alarms, give the
Device address.
Add the template from the file or
Ounet, or download it from the
When connecting an Ouman device to a C connector, check in the device’s
network settings (System settings) that.
The DHCP setting is “ON” (If you change the setting, select “Update
network settings")
The port address is the same as in Ounet (Modbus TCP/IP -> Port 502)
The Access setting is “ON”
In SNMP settings, the Access IP address is given as the IP address,
and “ON” is selected as the “Function on” setting.
C connector