Description (see figure, page 5)
Gateway port 1
(First port of device
that is connected to
A M-Link-compatible device can be connected to M-Link’s C connector as a master device. The
M-Link-compatible device may have one or more RTU buses. The port setting of Modbus master
1 bus is specified here. The Port 1 setting determines the TCP/IP port serving as the gateway to
the Modbus RTU bus of the M-Link- compatible device.
Gateway port
(Second port of device
that is connected to
The M-Link-compatible device may have several RTU buses. The port setting of Modbus master
2 bus is specified here. The Port 2 setting determines the TCP/IP port serving as the gateway
to the Modbus RTU bus of the M-Link- compatible device (for example, an Ouflex M device may
have two RTU buses in use (A1, B1 and A2, B2)
Gateway port
(Internal registers of
M-Link’s internal register details are read via this port.
Port 4 (Internal re-
gisters of device
that is connected to
Port 4 is reserved for the internal communication of a M-Link-compatible device connected to
M-Link. Information from the Modbus register of a M-Link-compatible device connected to M-
Link is read/written via this port.
Port 5 (Port for de-
vices that has con-
nected to modbus
M-Link’s own port to the RTU bus (strip terminals 5 (A) and 4 (B). If the port value is 0, port con-
nection is not open.
Slave address for in-
ternal registers
When a M-Link-compatible device (Ouflex M, Ouflex M BA, S203, C203, H23) is connected to M-
Link via the C connector as a slave device, the address of the device is set here.
Maximum number of
The server load can be changed by changing this setting. The setting determines the maximum
number of allowed simultaneous connections from different IP addresses to the server.
Size of requests
Buffer for TCP requests.
Idle timeout before
connections close
This determines the time after which inactive connections are disconnected from the server.
Value 0 means that idle timeout is not in use.
Allowed client add-
The data security of the system can be improved by activating the allowed client address func-
tion. If the value is, connections from any IP address to the server are enabled. When you
specify a certain connection address, only contacts from the specified IP address are allowed.
Refresh view.
1. LAN is routed via Internet
The Access service operates on the Internet so the Access service is not available if the device is not connected to the Internet. The
Access device examines the availability of Internet connection by sending a Ping packet to the Internet server at 3-minute intervals.
The network must allow the ICMP outwards from any port and the receipt of the reply message to the same port.
2. The VPN protocol used by Access service outwards is not blocked
The Access service is based on the VPN connection which the Access device creates to the Access server.
The network must allow the UDP outwards from any port to the port 1194 and the receipt of the reply message to this port.
3. Time service protocol outwards is not blocked
The Access service works only when the clock in the Access device shows the correct time. The clock is set to the correct time from
the network using the NTP protocol.
The network must allow the UDP outwards from any port to the port 123 and the receipt of the reply message to this port.
Access service requirements
Modbus TCP
Modbus TCP/IP settings are used to change the Modbus TCP server settings. The Modbus TCP/IP in-
terface can be used for communication with Modbus/RTU slave devices connected to the device.