Otoport OAE+ABR
User Manual for Otoport Lite model
Test preparation
If using snap stud electrodes, now connect the electrode cables to the
sensors. Connect the red cable to the high forehead, the white cable to the
nape of the neck and the black cable to the back of the shoulder.
Alternative electrode placements
The Otoport is optimised for the electrode placements described above.
Alternative placements are possible, including:
Recommended Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Positive - Red
High forehead
High forehead High forehead
Negative - White
Nape of neck
Nape of neck
Mastoid of test ear
Common - Black
Back of shoulder
Mastoid of non-test ear
The Positive (
Red) electrode MUST always be placed on the
high forehead.
The Otoport may fail to recognise a valid ABR if an alternative
place is used for the Positive ( ) electrode.