• Your microphone must be set to LO
level to connect to TV, stereo, and
other devices. Default level is LO.
• If your microphone is off, it will
automatically turn on when you plug
in the auxiliary input cable and a
suffi cient signal is present.
• It is recommended that you use the
TV Audio Out jacks (on the back of
most TVs). If you use the Head phone
jack, the TV speaker may turn off.
• To mix AUX signal with Omni, move
switch to Focus and back to Omni.
The signals are now mixed. You will
hear only the auxilliary input signal
if the transmitter/microphone is in off
• If no auxilliary signal is present for
5 minutes (e.g., if the TV is off), your
microphone will automatically shut
• To override the 5-minute auto shut off,
unplug the auxilliary input cable and
switch to Superfocus mode, then to