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small, medium and large hands
To replace the thumb on all other sized hands use a T10
screwdriver and follow these steps
1. Rotate the thumb to the lateral position
2. Remove palmar fairing
3. Access thumb screw from medial to lateral direction
4. Remove thumb
Replace the thumb following the steps in reverse. When
replacing the palmar fairing care should be taken to avoid
pinching wires.
6.3 Cleaning
The i-limb hand can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth,
with some mild soap.
The cover should be regularly cleaned on the outside
with a damp cloth and a plain soap. Cleaning with isopro-
pyl alcohol (IPA) once a week can help with disinfection.
The cover or
hand should not be submerged in
water for cleaning.
The electrode surface and the magnetic charge port sur-
face can be cleaned with mild soap and a damp cloth. Do
not use any strong chemicals within the socket.
Regularly clean the electrode contact sur-
face with mild soap and a damp cloth.
Avoid dirt or fluids coming in contact
with the electrode.
Avoid use of oils on the skin; such as
Vaseline or oil based moisturisers.