Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG
Affhüppen Esch 12, 48231 Warendorf
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5. Refreshing of oiled surfaces
with Osmo Liquid Wax Cleaner
Clean the surface (see point 4.)
After complete drying, apply Osmo Liquid Wax Cleaner
(or in the sprayable form) directly on the wooden floor
(approx 1 tablespoon for 1 m²).
Advice: Do not fill Osmo Liquid Wax Cleaner in the lye bottle (danger of blockage)
Put white pad under the driving disc plate
Polish with white pad
Advice: There is too much material on the surface when you can see driving rings
on the surface. Turn the pad around or dry the pad on an untreated surface.
In order to get a shiny result polish up the surface after drying (ca. 30 minutes) with a new
white pad
6. Maintenance and re-oiling of surfaces
At first clean the surface (see point 4.)
With stubborn dirt use a red pad if necessary
Re-oil extremely worn out surfaces with Osmo Polyx
Apply a very thin layer of Osmo Polyx
Oil with either the Osmo Double Blade Scraper or
the Osmo Professional Scraper and then polish with a white pad.
Advice: There is too much material on the surface when you can see rings on the surface.
Turn the pad around or dry the pad on an untreated surface.