Operating instructions PC-30-Vario filter control unit Page: 21
Priority for solar heater
Display text: Solar priori.
This line displays whether the solar heater has priority over the settings for the filter
operating times. In priority mode, the filter pump can be switched on by the temperature
controller even outside the set filter operating times. Without priority, temperature control
only operates during the filter operating times.
The following texts may be displayed:
Solar priority OFF
The solar heater only operates during the filter operating times.
Solar priority ON
The solar heater also operates outside the filter operating times.
When the sun is shining on the solar installation, the filter pump
and solar heater are switched on automatically.
To enable/disable priority mode, make sure it is displayed in the
line of the Service
After pressing the button on the terminal, the filter system is switched off and the
display shows:
Heat. priori: OFF
Priority circuit
of solar heating
2. You can now use the
button on the terminal to enable priority mode, and the
button to disable it again.
3. If you press the
button again, the standard diagnostics display reappears and the
filter system resumes operation.
The priority mode for the solar heater is factory-set to on.
Pump speed during solar operation
Display text: Speed f. sol.
This line displays the speed the filter pump is meant to run at during solar operation.
The following texts may be displayed:
Speed for solar HIGH
The pump runs at high speed.
Speed for solar
The pump runs at moderate speed (filter speed)
Speed for solar
The speed of the pump follows the switching times set for the
timer (filter speed for filter mode or Eco speed in Eco mode).
To set the pump speed you require, make sure the Service Terminal display shows
for solar:
in the
After pressing the button on the terminal, the filter system is switched off and the
display shows:
Speed f. sol.
Pump speed for
solar heating
2. You can now use the
and buttons on the terminal to select the pump speed.
3. If you press the
button again, the standard diagnostics display reappears and the
filter system resumes operation.
The factory setting for the pump speed is "NORM".