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which your result is calculated and displayed as a single, averaged
There is a 15 second resting time in-between each measurement.
If one of the measurements causes an error message, it will be re-
peated one more time. If any additional error occurs, the measu-
rement will be discontinued and an error code will be displayed.
h) Movement error symbol ( )
The Movement Error Symbol ( ) is displayed if you move your
body during the measurement. Please remove the cuff, and wait
2-3 minutes. Reapply the cuff and take another measurement.
Patient Position:
1) comfortably seated
2) legs uncrossed
3) feet flat on the floor
4) back and arm supported
5) middle of the CUFF at the level of the right atrium of the heart
Recommended Use Methods
1. recommendation that the PATIENT relax as much as possible and
not talk during the measurement PROCEDURE
2. recommendation that 5 min should elapse before the first reading
is taken
3. any reading can be affected by the measurement site, the position
of the PATIENT, exercise, or the PATIENT’S physiologic condition
4. performance of the AUTOMATED SPHYGMOMANOMETER can
be affected by extremes of temperature, humidity and altitude
5 To stop the inflation or measurement, push the START/STOP but-
ton. The monitor will stop inflating, start deflating, and will turn
6 After the monitor has detected your blood pressure and pulse
rate, the cuff automatically deflates. Your blood pressure and pul-
se rate are displayed.
7 The monitor will automatically turn off after one minute.