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• Attention:
The pulse display is not suitable for checking the frequ-
ency of heart pacemakers!
• Attention:
In cases of irregular heartbeat, measurements made
with this instrument should only be evaluated after
consultation with your doctor.
To obtain the greatest accuracy from your blood
pressure instrument, it is recommended that the in-
strument be used within the specified temperature
and the relative humidity, please see the Technical
Specifications Note: The cuff is treated as the applied
part. The user should contact the manufacturer for as-
sistance, if needed, in setting up, using or maintaining
the device.
How does high or low blood pressure arise?
Your level of blood pressure is determined in the circulatory center of
the brain and adjusts to a
variety of situations through feedback from the nervous system. To
adjust blood pressure, the
strength and speed of the heart (Pulse), as well as the width of circu-
latory blood vessels is altered.Blood vessel width is controlled by fine
muscles in the blood vessel walls.
Your level of arterial blood pressure changes periodically during he-
art activity: During the “blood ejection” (Systole) the value is highest
(systolic blood pressure value). At the end of the heart’s “rest period”
(Diastole) pressure is lowest (diastolic blood pressure value).
Blood pressure values must lie within certain normal ranges in order
to prevent particular diseases.