1-5: POWER PCB / BACK LIGHT PCB / ANGLE HING (Refer to Fig. 1-6: LED MODULE ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 1-6)
1. Disconnect the following connectors:
1. Unlock the 17 supports (1).
(CD501, CD503, CP7002 and CP7003)
2. Remove the LED Module Ass'y in the direction of
2. Remove the 4 screws (1).
arrow (A) -> (B) -> (C) -> (D), Please remove carefully
3. Remove the Power PCB in the direction of arrow (A).
and slowly.
4. Remove the 2 screws (2).
5. Remove the Back Light PCB in the direction of arrow (B).
6. Remove the 14 screws (3).
7. Remove the Angle Hing in the direction of arrow (C).
Power PCB
Angle Hing
(2) (2)
Back Light
LED Module Ass'y
Front Cabi Ass'y
• Do not touch LED Module Ass'y.
Fig. 1-5
Front Cabi Ass'y
(3) (3)
( )
Fig. 1-6