refocus (using the telescope’s focus knob) if the focuser drawtube has
moved a bit inward or outward when the camera was rotated.
9. If shooting a single image, select the file format (either .tif or .jpg) in the
File Save Tab on the left side, and then click Capture to save your image.
10. If shooting a video, click Rec Config to adjust the video settings, and then
click the Video button to record your .avi.
11. Saved files appear below the live preview window, and you can change
where files get saved using the Path dialog box or the Browse button
under the File Save tab.
You have now taken your first images with the SS-V! This simple method of
imaging is exactly how the camera is used to capture terrestrial subjects during day-
light hours. Close-up images of birds and other wildlife or faraway vistas can all be
obtained in this way with the SS-V. Solar images can also be taken during the day
with an optional full-aperture solar filter over the front of the telescope. Take some
time to use the camera and software during the day to become familiar and comfort-
able with their basic operation. For best results, you can optimize your images with
the camera controls.
Mac OS X
1. Plug the camera into your computer’s USB
2. Double click the ISListen icon now installed
on your computer’s desktop.
3. Choose the resolution you would like from the
pulldown list
(Figure 5)
4. Click Live to start a live preview window
5. Proceed as described above in the Windows
section. Exposure control, gain, and other
camera control functions behave in a similar
way. Video recording can be set to the frame
rate desired, and coupled with the number of
frames, will determine the length of the video.
Camera Controls
For best images, you can adjust the camera controls though the control software to
fine tune the image. You can see how the camera controls affect an image in the
live preview window. Adjusting the exposure slider, or by entering specific exposure
times will change how bright the image appears. The auto exposure button (AE) will
let the program guess as to the best exposure. Be careful with auto exposure – it
may work well for evenly illuminated daytime scenes or microscope views, but imag-
es of a small planet in the middle of a large black sky will confuse the auto exposure
Figure 5.
Mac main
control window