3. On the next screen
involving selecting
additional tasks, leave
the yes box unchecked.
(Figure 3)
4. Finally, the system will
ask if you wish to install
the device driver. Click
install, and the software
will take a few moments to
install. Click finish when
5. Once the software
has been installed, the
computer will recognize
the camera when it is plugged into an available USB 2.0 port. Plug the
camera in, and then open TCapture to start imaging.
Mac Installation
Mac installation is extremely easy. Using a web browser, go to www.telescope.com/
StarshootV and locate the ISListen download file for your Mac (OS 10.11 and later).
1. Plug the camera into an available USB slot on your computer.
2. Open the ISListen software you previously downloaded, and the program
will recognize the camera you have plugged in.
Image Processing Software
There are many popular free Image processing software to be used with your AVI
files to enhance your astro Images. Image Processing Software such as RegiStax or
AviStack can align and stack (combine) hundreds of individual images into a single
resultant image and perform some additional image processing to bring out subtle
details or to make the image appear more pleasing overall.
For detailed information on the image processing software consult the websites of
each software provider. Tutorials and user groups can be found online also.
Registax: http://www.astronomie.be/registax/
AviStack: http://www.avistack.de/
Lynkeos (Mac stacking software): http://lynkeos.sourceforge.net
Getting Started During Daylight
We recommend using the SS-V for the first time during the day. This way, you can
become familiar with the camera and its functions without having to stumble around
Figure 3.
Leave the ‘yes’ box unchecked.