Welcome to a new world of adventure. Your new StarShoot Solar System Imaging
Camera V (SS-V) is capable of capturing detailed, fullcolor images of astronomical
objects in our solar system. The planets, Moon, and Sun (with optional solar filter)
can all be imaged to create spectacular views on your computer which can be saved
for emailing or printing later. The SS-V can even be used during the day to take
images of terrestrial subjects. You’ll find that this inexpensive, yet capable and easy
to use, camera will enhance all of your journeys with your telescope. Please read
this instruction manual before attempting to use the camera or install the needed
Parts List
● StarShoot Solar System Color Imaging Camera V (SS-V)
● USB Cable
● Instruction booklet
Drivers and software are available as a download from our website. Before plug-
ging in the camera, please go to www.telescope.com/StarshootV for both Mac and
Windows software.
System Requirements
The SS-V can be used with virtually any
telescope that is compatible with 1.25"
format eyepieces. The camera simply is
inserted into a focuser in the same way as
a standard eyepiece
(Figure 1)
. If you use
a star diagonal, you should remove it before
installing the SS-V. If your telescope does
not have enough inward focus travel, you
will need to use an optional 1.25" Barlow
lens to extend the telescope’s focal plane
to the camera’s imaging plane (Barlow sold
separately). For most types of astro-imag-
ing with the SS-V, using a telescope with a
focal length of at least 1000mm is recom-
mended. Otherwise, the image scale may
be too small. To increase the effective focal
length of your system, use a Barlow lens or
other type of tele-extender lens.
While using an motorized mount is recommended to achieve the best results, one is
not absolutely required for imaging with the SS-V, as the maximum exposure time is
Figure 1.
The SS-V attached to the
telescope focuser.