Data Lockout Mode
The data lock mode is a pre-programmed mode when the radio will not
respond to any data channel assignments and prevents receive data calls
from interrupting voice calls. Transmit data calls will still be initiated when
needed by the operator. After a pre-programmed time, the radio will
respond to receive data calls; however, the following conditions will clear
the data lockout mode:
(System Model) or
(Scan Model) button is pressed.
Transmitting a data call.
Changing a system.
An emergency.
Pressing PTT while in Public Address mode.
Turning scan ON with the SCAN button.
Status and message operation is possible with either the Scan or System
version of the ORION radio unit. The following procedure is applicable for
the System version. For operation with the Scan version the four primary
keycaps must be reconfigured and pre-programmed for status/message