Key Placement and Use
When properly oriented, the braille cells are closest to you. The Panning
keys are at each end of the braille display. See
Panning Keys
section for
more information.
For orientation purposes, there are three slightly raised tick marks located
above the braille cells. These orientation marks are spaced by every fifth
braille cell. For example, the first tick mark from the left would be between
the fifth and sixth braille cell.
Moving toward the top and away from you, find a row of three keys, with a
wider one in the middle. The wide key is the Space bar. The dot 7 input key
is to the left of the Space Bar, and the dot 8 input key is to the right of the
Space Bar.
As you continue toward the top of the face of the display, there is a
navigation pad in the middle, between the Braille Input keys and Space bar.
The navigation pad contains the four directional arrow buttons (Up, Down,
Left, Right) and the Select button.
The six traditional braille input keys are aligned along the top edge of the
face of the display, dots 1 2 3 on the left and dots 4 5 6 on the right.